Thursday, January 31, 2013

I Really Need a New Ikebana Vase

I realize, looking back on these pictures of Ikebana I've done over the past few months, that I really need a new Ikebana vase/container. Quite possibly a few different ones. With the one I currently have, I think there's only so many shapes and arrangements I can do. Sorry then if this is familiar to something you've seen before, but here's another arrangement I did. (I'm still catching up on all the pictures I have of Ikebana and whiteboard doodles.) I'm kind of... indifferent to this one. I don't hate it, but I don't really like it either. It's just sort of there. I do, however, wish I knew the name for all these flowers. It's starting to bug me a little. Perhaps, in addition to some new Ikebana vases, I will also invest in a book of some sorts to identify all these flowers I'm using.

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