Monday, March 11, 2013

Hachinohe Sansha Taisai Festival

Hachinohe, the city about 45 minutes away from my little town, has a few big festivals each year. One of their biggest, though, has to be Sansha Taisai, or the Three Shrines Festival. It's a huge festival where they shut down the road through downtown and parade giant floats through it. Each neighborhood in Hachinohe is responsible for making (and paying for, through donations... many, many donations) their individual float, and there's always a 'best of show' picked every year. This particular festival happens August 1st-3rd generally, and last year was actually my first year going to see it. I went with my boss and my then just-arrived fellow JET, and it was a blast. I really enjoyed watching all the floats, and I enjoyed eating all the festival food even more. In the crazy, horribly humid heat of summer in Japan, festivals are the one thing that make sweating through each day worthwhile. Now, without further ado, PHOTO DUMP. As always, click on any of the pictures to embiggen!

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