Saturday, November 28, 2009


Nandemo kaimasu = will buy anything. It's not the actual name of this store, its real name is Game Souko. However, 'nandemo kaimasu' is proudly displayed on a huge banner outside all the Game Souko's, so a lot of people just call it that instead. It's a local chain here in Aomori-ken, and there's a shop up in Towada city, which is about a 45 minute drive from where we are. Essentially, we found the mecha of retro video games, and it rendered me and Aaron speechless on several occasions as we wandered through the store. It doesn't just have video games, as it does live up to it's 'nandemo kaimasu' nickname. It sells video games, video game systems, cds, anime, figures, musical instruments, fishing gear, clothes, tires.... anything. It mostly has video games and related paraphernalia though. Oh, and these:

Those would be used pachinko machines (think Japanese slot machines) for sale. Just in case you wanted to start your own gambling ring in your backyard or something.

There were literally just rows and rows of games, and in this picture you can use Aaron as a comparison for how tall the rows were too. They had pc engine, saturn, dreamcast, famicom, super famicom, atari, ps2, ds..... just.... everything. I did some Christmas shopping for my dad here, and I picked up a copy of Persona 1 for the psone for ... wait for it.... 3 dollars. Valkyrie Profile? 5 dollars. Rez for the ps2? 5 dollars! Everything was so cheap! Granted you would have to be fluent in Japanese to play any of these, but it was still awesome. I picked up a copy of Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan! 2 for the DS for $15, and the cheapest I ever found it back in the states was almost $60.

They also had an impressive array of systems for sale, as seen in the first picture. They're just piled everywhere. The second picture is the limited edition Cloud PS3 that I have only seen on rare import sites before. The third picture is of the original Nintendo... which ran on floppy discs, not cartridges. I didn't even know they made these things.

Oh, and I almost forgot. This is an example of one of their figure aisles. I say one, for the store has many such aisles, which increase in size and grandeur as you go along.

Game Souko also has a lot of Taiko Drum Master games, for which it has my undying adoration and love. I think it's safe to say that Aaron and I will be going here quite often. If anyone wants some awesome Japanese retro games, let us know!

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