Monday, January 14, 2013

My Froggy Prisoner

Aaron managed to find *gasp* raspberry plants this last spring, and has taken super good care of them all year long (they are currently under a few inches of snow, and we are waiting with baited breath to see if they will come back in the spring like our strawberry plants). In their heyday this summer, they were almost 4 feet tall and giving us a couple tupperware bins of fruit daily. Imagine my surprise when we found a little green frog at the top of one of them. I still have no idea how he got up there, but I was worried about him getting down, so Aaron gently scooped him into a tupperware container before letting him go free in the rice paddy behind our house, which he probably came from (the ribbiting chorus of frogs from the rice paddies during the summer is deafening). Needless to say, I had to take a few pictures of my new frog friend before I said goodbye. I hope he had a great summer in the rice paddy mud.

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