Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Giant Robots of Doom

The last week before summer vacation, I decided to draw a Gundam for the kids (it's a cartoon about giant battling robots that's super popular in Japan with young and old alike, for those not in the know). Both my 4th and 6th graders loved it, but they did something I didn't quite expect. The 4th graders, as soon as class was over, promptly ran out of the room, and came back literally dragging the 5th grade teacher into the room. He, in turn, freaked out more than the kids did upon seeing the whiteboard doodle. Turns out he is a giant Gundam fanatic, and he ended up telling me the model number of this particular robot, what episode it originally appeared in, and who piloted it. I now know more about giant fighting robots than I ever wanted to, but I'm glad that he enjoyed it. ^-^ I was also impressed that the 4th graders knew the 5th grade teacher well enough to go run and grab him when they saw this. I guess that level of friendliness is something that happens in a school with only 60 students.

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