Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Gotta Catch'em All

So after Mario, Pikachu was the next most requested thing by my fourth graders. Therefore, as requested, one week after Mario, a Pikachu was diligently drawn on the whiteboard by yours truly. This was a mistake of epic proportions, as the children then decided to request almost every Pokemon ever created for the following week's drawing. I only barely know the first 150, so being bombarded with Pokemon names from the now over 600 of them (in Japanese too, which are apparently completely different from the English versions... consider me enlightened) was a bit overwhelming. I personally find Pikachu cute, so I was happy to draw this, but I had to gently break the news to my fourth graders that even if I drew Pokemon every single week until I went back to America, I'd never finish drawing them all. So they chose something else to ask for instead. ^-^

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