Friday, January 11, 2013

I Shouldn't Draw When I'm Tired...

....because then I try to encourage the kids to skip class and re-instate nap time in school. This is Tarepanda, who is a very tired, lazy, and sleepy panda character that was super popular in Japan about, oh, 10 years ago. This was very disappointing to me, as I love Tarepanda and was expecting to find character goods of him just lining the streets. Apparently he's been replaced by a lazy, relaxed brown bear called Rilakkuma, who I don't really like all that much. It's a shame, really, because Rilakkuma goods actually DO line the streets here now. Still, I occasionally luck out and find a Tarepanda item in a used store, or in a back corner of a stationary shop. Needless to say, all Tarepanda items that I find come home with me. At least my disappointment of finding little to no Tarepanda goods is off-set by how much my fourth graders still love him apparently (much to my surprise), which was enough to request him for a whiteboard doodle.

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