Monday, August 8, 2011

Summer Blossoms and Castle Repairs

I have good news for you: as of this post, I will only be using pictures taken with my new cell phone's camera from now on. That's right! I've finally gone through and posted all the pictures I had remaining from my previous phone's time-period. Hopefully the 6 and 8mp pictures my new phone is capable of taking will be easier on everyone's eyes than the old ones. Can you tell a difference?

A couple weeks ago, Aaron and I went up to the Castle Park for a few minutes, ostensibly to see the chrysanthemums blooming, but it also ended up being a test run for my new camera. At least I think that's what these flowers are, but I'm not exactly knowledgeable on the subject. What I do know, however, is that they are pretty, and there's lots of them at the Castle Park, so away we went. 

Most of the ones we found were blue or white, but we've seen them in all kinds of colors around town. Purple, yellow, pink, red, blue...sometimes all on one bush together. I have a vague memory of a student's mom telling me last year that what color these flowers bloom depends on what elements are in the soil they're planted in,  but I'm not 100% sure on that.

It was really pretty how they wound around various stone monuments and edged pathways. Unfortunately, that's not the only thing we noticed while we were there.

We also noticed the castle. I wasn't aware it had happened until about a month afterwards, but apparently the tower portion of the museum was damaged in the earthquake. When Aaron and I were up at the Castle Park in May for the Spring Festival, entrance into the tower portion was blocked off, and the cracks running through the foundation were obviously apparent, if you even noticed them past the chunks of stone that had broken off.

When I took this picture, in late July, the repair work was obviously still ongoing. A greater area had been blocked off, as before we were able to go almost right up to the tower. What little of the foundation we could see, however, looks much better than it did, so I believe they will be done soon. I hope so, at least. It was rather heartbreaking to see the awesome castle damaged, and it made me wonder how the ancient items inside weathered the quake. I'm looking forward to when I can go inside and see them again.

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