Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Frog Friends

So, I almost used the above image for 'Engrish of the Week', but then I realized that it's not incorrect, so much as strange. Strangely cute. In any case, I wasn't sure if that alone qualified for an Engrish, so I decided to combine it with this little guy:

Can you tell I like frogs? Why, I couldn't tell you, but I've always found them cute. The little picture frame I found at a local pawn shop, and the real one was on the path leading towards one of my schools. I spotted him as I was leaving for the day, and at first I thought he was just a leaf. Until he leaped 20 billion feet in the air, that is. He was quite tiny, though, so in order to better appreciate his cuteness, have this other picture I took, a bit closer to him. He was very obliging to sit so still for me. Or terrified out of his mind by the humongous creature coming near him... That's a possibility too.

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