Tuesday, July 26, 2011

We Now Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled Programming...

Can this be? Is it really true? It is! I have come back to the blogging world, and I intend to keep it up this time. This time will be different.... I swear..... In fact, I have two solid, actual, indisputable facts to offer you as reasons why I will not be slacking off this time.

Reason number one: I know how to use a blog better now. After working a lot on a certain, ahem, other blog, I've learned how they work, how often they need to be updated, and various other things. Most importantly, though, I've learned that blogs have a scheduling feature. With this new-fangled, recently discovered technology, I can now write a blog post when I have lots of free time, and set it to post at a certain, later specified time and date when I probably will not. In fact, I have already written many such posts. They are now lurking, waiting for their moment in the sun. When will they appear? That's for them to know and you to find out.

Reason number two: I recently bought a new cell phone. New cell phone means new cell phone camera. In fact, my new camera can take 6mp and 8 mp shots, whereas my old one did 3.2mp ~ 4mp on a good day. That's double the megapixels, double the beauty, double the fun! I'm thinking that this new camera will inspire me to actually want to take more pictures, especially since it's much easier to use too. In fact, the banner picture up there is actually an example of my new camera's abilities. Feel free to compare and judge for yourself!

In addition to these two solid, hard facts of evidence, there are also two other possible things to motivate my blogging abilities. One, Aaron has an income now, which means we now have a lot more money to go travel and do things, and two, Aaron wants to use said newly-acquired income to purchase an incredibly nice, actual camera. I'm hoping that I'll be able to, um, borrow, some of his pictures to add to this blog as well.

I know my friends and family have been asking me, repeatedly, to update this thing more often, and I'd like to assure you your pleas have finally been heard. I actually feel really bad about letting my blog slip for as long as it has, but I'm looking forward to giving this thing another go. Round two starts now. For real this time.

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