Thursday, July 28, 2011

Hina Matsuri

Hina Matsuri, or literally 'Princess Festival', happens every year on March 3rd, and honors little girls. As far as Japanese festivals go, it's pretty low-key. Leading up to that day, families, stores, and schools put out incredibly expensive doll sets of the Imperial Court on display. On the day of the 3rd, usually in front of the dolls, family members eat sakura mochi, which is pink rice cake with a cherry tree leaf wrapped around it and sweet red-bean paste in the middle. I admit to having a fondness for this particular sweet, and wish it was available more often than just 'in Spring'.

The most interesting thing about this festival is that the doll set has to come down and be put away on March 4th, otherwise the young girls in that family will be cursed with late marriages, or not be able to marry at all. The dolls are incredibly beautiful though, so I admit to enjoying this festival, even though it lacks the traditional fireworks and food prevalent in other Japanese events. This particular set belongs to my elementary school, but I might have to try and buy one before I leave the country, just because. Packing it might be challenging though....

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