Friday, July 29, 2011

The Most Interesting Car in the World

No, that is not someone's tricked out car you see above. That is a Japanese funeral hearse. In Japan, the dead are almost always cremated and the remains placed in a jar. As far as I know, it's always just ashes that ride in the hearse; it does not carry the body before it is cremated. The hearse is built to resemble a temple, and they are incredibly ornate. Personally, I think they exude a strange beauty as well. They are also unsurprisingly eye-catching, and I've been trying to get a picture of one for a while. The first time I saw one, though, I was more interested in finding out what in the world it was than taking a picture. I believe I stared at it for a good five minutes trying to figure it out, and I defy anyone else who sees one of these for the first time in person to not do the same.

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