Saturday, February 6, 2010

Christmas in Japan

So, I'm horribly late with this post, seeing as it's about Christmas and we are now solidly into February, but oh well. I had swine flu over winter break, and was still kind of sniffly on Christmas Day, so Aaron and I didn't do much. However, we did have an awesome Christmas tree, pictured above, that was $30 dollars at the local department store. Yes! It was a cute little tree, and thanks to our lovely families, we had lots of Christmas presents to put under it, which made us not feel quite as homesick. I definitely think we'll be spending next year's back home though. I refuse to spend another minute listening to my sister taunt me over the phone while she eats my Mom's delicious baking. Taunting me with food is unacceptable. Luckily for her, Jade (the British English tutor here in town) invited me and Aaron over to her house on the 27th, to enjoy a Christmas dinner. As I am not a good cook, and our kitchen is rather lacking on baking utensils to make something fabulous anyways, we instead went over way early to help Jade prepare for it. Everyone else brought some dishes from home, and one of Jade's British friends brought over a 27 pound turkey that he cooked himself. I believe he found this beautiful bird on the near-by military base, but I was too busy eating it to ask many questions. You may ogle it's deliciousness below, along with another picture, an example of some of the spread we had before us.

I never realized how delicious turkey is until I no longer had ready access to it. That old saying really is true, but thanks to Jade, we had a fantastic Christmas dinner. It made my winter break. ^-^

1 comment:

  1. hehehe....*eats more of Mom's cookies* mughay
    *Translation "Yummy"*
