Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Pure, Unadulterated Awesomeness.

(Click on the image to embiggen!)

I found this at our favorite local used game store. They also have a couple pachinko and slot machines there that people can play, along with claw games and other arcade machines. This hand-made sign was taped onto one of the slot machines, illustrating how NOT to play them. I haven't taken the time to translate it, but I'm not really sure it's necessary. Behold, and enjoy, and remember not to play slots any of these ways while in Japan.

(If you wish to see an even more awesome set of instructions, Japanese-style, may I direct you to this link? You'll never see a cooler thing. Thanks to Joe for finding it first!)

1 comment:

  1. You should update the blog sister! <3 I love you and hope to see more!
