Sunday, September 20, 2009

It's been a while....

So, to everyone who I told this blog would be up and running almost as soon as I got to Japan... I'm sorry. That was a lie. Apparently it takes about a month to get the internet up and running here, so I'll have to use that as my excuse. I did have internet at work, but I mostly used it for e-mailing family, as I felt a bit weird using my work time to blog. I'm going to try and catch this blog up to my most recent activities, so let's get started. :) First of all, I'd like to introduce you all to my house. :) That would be it right at the top of this post. I love it a lot, it's an adorable little thing. Now let's go inside!

This would be the entryway into my house, where you take off your shoes. I do it too, even in my own house. It's just become such a habit since I came here.

This is the hallway, once you get into the house. All the rooms are off of one straight hallway.

These next few pictures are of my living room:

The next two are my bedroom. It's the most Japanese room in the house, it has tatami mats and sliding closet doors. ^-^

Next up is the kitchen, and my favorite room in the whole house: my shower/bathtub. The room is huge, and I love to just sit in the tub and relax while I read books.

And now to venture outside. :) This is my backyard, complete with my little blue bike, which I use to get around the whole town. Whoo for exercise! To be continued in the next post....


  1. It looks so nice! And can I just say hooray for big bathtubs.

  2. Well, we all think your house is incredibly cute! Mom says she is just happy you are keeping it clean! *As my allowance mysteriously drops* It is all so cute! and we think you should buy me cute stuff....wait that was just me, never mind... So the puppies want to come play in your back yard.. *cough* and terrorize the locals *cough* we love you very much!
    Love the family
    (Spokesperson = munch)

  3. Shariii! I just found your blog! And now I'm lol'ing that you brought the ugly cat (Furball?) XD
    Your house looks so lovey and cute!

  4. Of course I brought Furball! I've had him since I was 8 years old, he's not going anywhere now. ;P Thanks for the nice comments everyone! :)
