Sunday, September 20, 2009


Hmm, so apparently blogger doesn't like dealing with lots of pictures. I'm also slightly upset that my last post looked so pretty in the preview page, and when it actually got posted the pictures got all moved around and smushed. So....nothing but single, or small pictures from now on. Thanks blogger!

Anyways, to continue with the last post, it was getting too picture heavy for me to fit the last few, so here they are:

These two are pictures of the view from my backyard. This is what you see if you look over my fence. I am very much in the middle of the countryside, but I think it's beautiful.

Last but not least, this is my little blue car:

That's going to be it for now, I know I haven't really said a lot about what I've been doing yet, but I'll get caught up on that. I only got the internet last week, so I'll need a little bit of time still. :P I've been here for a month now, it'll take me a while to organize my pictures and thoughts. Sorry about the messy posts, I'm still learning how to use blogger, and so far it appears to hate me. Til next time!

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