Friday, September 25, 2009


These pictures (and one video) are from a festival I went to literally my fifth day in Japan. It was a summer festival in the town next to mine, and they had live music and fireworks. They also had tons of stalls with great festival food, which I think might be my new favorite thing. They sell things like yakitori, crepes, ice cream, and choco-bananas, which are sliced bananas dipped in chocolate, skewered on a stick, and covered in sprinkles. Yum! Really though, all I needed was the fireworks to make me happy. :)
(Btw, ignore the voices in the video, I'm pretty sure it's me freaking out in Japanese about how pretty everything is. >.> My voice is really loud since I was holding my camera up to my face, sorry about that....)


  1. Wow, your camera takes some nice pictures! :D I'm glad you're enjoying yourself so far, keep us updated on what's going on!


  2. WHOA!!!!! MY SISTER SOUNDS LIKE A JAPANESE PERSON!!!!! WOW!!!! I was going to say school girl but I decided to be kind to my elders.... I love you!!!

  3. shari, i've watched this video several times and it always makes me laugh <3 i love hearing you yell OOOHHHHHH SUGOI! haha XD
