Saturday, December 1, 2012

More Adventures in Ikebana

So, a long, long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, I wrote about going to a little old Japanese lady's house and learning the traditional art of Ikebana, or flower arranging. That was about, oh, 7 months or so ago, and my promise of posting and sharing any other attempts at this ancient Japanese art with all of you went unfulfilled. The promise was not, however, forgotten, and I have diligently photographed each of my attempts over all this time. They are not all that great, but they will all be put up here regardless; with any luck, I might even get better over time. The one above was my first ever attempt by myself, without little old Japanese ladies fluttering about me giving advice. Below is the same arrangement a week later, after the lilies had fully bloomed. I am fortunate that my little tiny town has not one, but two really awesome fresh flower shops to utilize (one has even hooked me up with a discount). Look for more soon!

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