Thursday, April 5, 2012

Sannohe Autumn Festival, Year 3

As is obvious by the title, this is the third time I've talked about this little festival in my town, but as the floats are different every year, it's still worth posting pictures of. In case you missed it the last time, every autumn my town makes a bunch of floats and tows them through the streets, singing and dancing. There's a lot of float type festivals in Aomori ken, so our little festival isn't well known at all. It doesn't matter though, since it's important to the people who live here. What's different about this post this time, is that these were all taken with Aaron's spiffy new DSLR camera, so hopefully the pictures will be even better than usual!

I usually don't post pictures of specific people on here, mostly because Japan is crazy with their privacy laws, and I don't want to get in trouble posting pictures of my students. However, the family above are not my students; they are Aaron's, and they are awesome. The little boy is probably one of my favorite kids in town; I am in love with his smile. So, I figured I'd share his smile with you.

Again, not usually with posting pictures of individual people, but this is one of Aaron's favorite shots that he took that day. This is also one of his students, although he's going to be one of mine starting this next semester. He ran up behind Aaron and tickled him or something, then tried to run away while Aaron threatened to take his picture. Aaron actually did snap a few shots, but most of them blurred as the boy zigged this way and that; this was the only one that took, and the expression of sheer fun on the little imp's face makes Aaron love this picture. This boy really is a good kid.

This is the last picture I'm going to highlight in this post, but it's my favorite of the whole batch. I don't know this little girl, neither does Aaron, but she was one of the 'Festival Girls' of the float parade; her and the other girl led the parade at one point. Apparently the little girl got tired of carrying her decorative tree branch at some point, because when Aaron snapped this shot, she was sweeping the road. Maybe it was dirty in her little mind....who knows. All I know is it's adorable, and I love how this shot turned out. Everything from here on is going to be another photo dump, so enjoy! I am actually in two pictures this time, can you find me?

1 comment:

  1. Dear Shari,
    I am very excited to inform you of how much more I will be able to enjoy the beautiful pictures you put up here, and witty commentary from my new laptop! I am excited to be able to experience more of your blog from here on out!
    ~da munch
