Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Time I Failed at Drawing Mario

So I mentioned last week how I started drawing white board doodles for my kids at my elementary school, and they freaked out and loved it. Right after I drew the Totoro, I went to Tokyo to meet up with some visiting family, and didn't see them (between my trip and other things) for two weeks straight. Before I left, my fourth grade students shyly asked, if it wasn't too much trouble, if I could draw a Mario when I came back. Of course, I couldn't turn down that many puppy dog eyes at once, so Mario was the first thing I drew after coming back from my vacation.

In my estimation, it was a failure. It was my first time drawing something so big (the Totoro wasn't actually that large), and I barely managed to finish it in time before the kids came streaming through the doors into the English classroom. Due to that, I wasn't able to fix his funky left eye, and it was bugging me pretty badly. That is, it was bothering me until all the fourth graders started bouncing around, jumping up and down, started hugging me, and chanted 'Shari-sensei remembered!'. Then I decided I was pretty glad I drew a Mario for them.

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