Saturday, October 17, 2009


Let's discuss them, shall we? Japanese toilets are... unique. The actual, traditional Japanese toilets are little better than latrines in the ground that you squat over, and I go out of my way to not have to use them. If I absolutely have to, I've finally learned how... but still, I'd rather use almost anything else than them. They also have what they call 'western toilets', which are ones you sit on and are more familiar to you and me. But they are still different... they are Japanese. They have been infused with state of the art technology. You may laugh at me, and think I am exaggerating....but I'm not. Most of them at least have bidets. There are also ones that warm the seat so your bum won't be cold, ones that you can adjust the bidet and make it warm or cold and change how strong the spray is... It's insane. The toilets have control panels! Below is a video (again on its side, sorry about that... I've finally learned how to hold my cell phone to take right-side-up videos) of the most impressive toilet I've seen since I've come to Japan. When you walk in the stall, it senses your presence, lifts the lid automatically, lights up, and plays a little chime to welcome you. It automatically begins to warm the seat for your bum, and the control panel on the side has 3 different bidets, from three different angles that you can choose from.... It also starts to automatically play soothing music as soon as you sit down, which you can change from the control panel if you want. You can also choose to have it play a louder song, to disguise any sounds you don't want heard.... When you get up, it automatically flushes, closes the lid, turns off the lights and shuts down, while playing a little 'thank you' chime. In the words of the Simpsons, "My GOD, they're YEARS ahead of us!"

1 comment:

  1. sister is and your toliet obsession...tee hee! WEll, mom and dad both chuckled at that...
