Friday, October 2, 2009

Hirosaki Park

Well, I ended up going to bed after the Hirosaki Castle post, so these are up a bit later than they were supposed to be... but better late than never. ;) These were mostly taken in the botanical gardens in Hirosaki park, and unfortunately it wasn't really the season for it. Most of the flowers had already bloomed about a month prior, and it was obvious the park was getting ready for fall, and then afterwards winter with its copious amounts of snow. Still, there were some very pretty parts, and I would love to go back in spring sometime when everything is alive and blooming. :)

This was a giant flower clock in the middle of the park, it was really neat. And before people start posting weird comments or freaking out, no, that is not a swastika in the ground there. Yes, it looks like it, but it's an actual kanji character. I think it means wisdom or something, but I'm too lazy to look it up right now.

They had this really beautiful rose garden, that had a water feature that went around the whole thing. I would love to just sit there for hours and read or something, it was very peaceful.

Near the water/rose garden, they had peacocks. Why? I have no idea, but they were fun to play with. :) They kept coming up and begging for food and attention from us. ^-^

There were lots of animal shrubs! Some of them were being taken down unfortunately though... The panda one is my favorite. :)

This next picture will be the last one for this post, and it's probably my favorite. I found the Secret Garden, and it is in Japan. Until next time. :)

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