Sunday, October 4, 2009

And once again, more things about Hirosaki....

So, this is the third post about my trip to Hirosaki with Laura and Karesa. This is amazing, considering we only spent one day there, and it was only for a few hours.... I guess I just took a lot of pictures in those few hours or something.

After we were done with Hirosaki park, Laura took us to a Neputa museum in town. Nebuta is the famous yearly festival held in Aomori city, but both Hachinohe and Hirosaki have their own versions. The one in Hirosaki is called Neputa because of some dialect difference or something. Nebuta/Neputa is a festival where giant hand painted floats with interior lights are drawn through cities while people play taiko/sing/dance/etc. The floats are made using this really unique paper, that is apparently incredibly hard to paint on since it doesn't really absorb liquid very well. They look amazing though, and the museum was fun. They had a little section where you could go and see people actually making little floats and painting lanterns. I also got to play taiko drums, which is always, always, always a good thing. :) So.....enjoy the following pictures. :)

This video is on its side...which I apologize for. Apparently I was holding my cell phone the wrong way while I was taking the video. In any case, it's a short clip of two traditional shamisen players, who serenade you as you leave the museum. All in all, Hirosaki was a really fun trip, and I need to go back one day when I have more time... And when it's spring. :) I need cherry blossom pictures!

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