The shrine, well aware of their infestation, gives out free umbrellas to use while you walk around. Unfortunately, the day we went was incredibly windy, and umbrellas proved to be more trouble than they were worth. Aaron, Chieko and I were lucky, as we ended up not needing them. The poor military man who looked up at the sky and received a lovely souvenir from the seagulls flying above right in his mouth, was not so fortunate.
Perhaps not surprisingly, the seagulls are also completely without fear. You can walk right up to them, and they won't budge. If they decide they don't like you, they start squawking at you, but that is the extent of their wrath. These particular specimens, shown above, were slightly perturbed at my getting close to their nest, but not enough to do something silly like actually run away.
You would think that the shrine would be upset by their colony of flying rats, but on the contrary they built a statue celebrating them. Apparently the living seagulls like hanging out with their stone counterparts, as seen in the picture above.
They also like hanging out on all the fences, apparently.
Well, let's be honest. They like hanging out everywhere, really. All those white dots you see in the picture above? Seagulls. All of them. And those are just the one's choosing to rest at the moment, there's more flying around, fishing, chilling in the shrine or hanging out on the other small islands.
For some reason, unbeknownst to me, there are people who actually pay money to feed them. These poor creatures above are confused that no one is feeding them at the moment. There was a lady who was feeding them before this picture was taken, and she literally became invisible as the seagulls swarmed her.
We went to one other place that day, but that's for the next post. For now, enjoy the horror of a real life 'The Birds'. I know they haunted my dreams for a while, and Aaron promptly declared it the most terrifying place on earth. I tend to agree.
Oh, my dear sister! I loved the seagulls! They and your commentary were a riot to me! Hehehe! I love you! I am thinking of you always and miss you!