Monday, January 25, 2010

Things I Love About Japan

Everything is cute. I won one of these things in a UFO catcher, also known as a claw game. I present to you, my beloved audience, square-frog and Arupakyaanan (from Alpaca, it's the actual name the company gave him...). They are narcoleptic Alpacas..... In the little card attached to him, there's a 4 panel cartoon where him and his Alpaca friends wake up at 6am, eat breakfast, start cleaning, and suddenly fall asleep by about 7:30am. Square-frog does not have a back story. He does not need one, he is awesome without it.

I also acquired this guy during my time in Japan. His name is Sannopi, named after Sannohe Town, since their mascot is a cute little owl. The Mario Hat and the red scarf came separately. We dressed him up for Christmas, he seemed like he was cold with all the snow falling outside.

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