Saturday, December 19, 2009

Hirosaki Business Conference

Also about three weeks ago, I had a business conference in Hirosaki city. I went there once before with Laura and Karesa (fellow ALTs), and took pictures of the castle park. This time was purely for business though, and I didn't do any sightseeing. The conference was actually incredibly informative, and it was fun seeing all the other ALTs in the area again. This conference was also attended by Japanese English Teachers too, so I got to hang out with one of the teachers I work with. It was only a two day conference, so the most notable thing about it picture-wise was the hotel I stayed at, which was also the hotel that hosted the conference. It's called Hirosaki Park Hotel, and it's really awesome. It has all this really old, antique furniture in the rooms, and the ballrooms and conference rooms the business meetings were held in were all beautifully decorated with crystal chandeliers and the like. These next few pictures are all from my hotel room, just showing off the furniture! :D

This last picture is of my room key. And yes, it's an actual key. So amazing. I didn't want to turn it back into the hotel after my stay was done. All in all, a nice little couple day conference, it really gave me some great ideas for teaching English. :)

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