Saturday, December 19, 2009


So! It's been a long time. And I am sorry. I will have to beg for your forgiveness and understanding, and hope that you will acknowledge that getting married, making Aaron legal to live in Japan, and then subsequently getting swine flu put a major crimp in my blogging ability. But more on all that later! Let's try and pick up where we left off, shall we?

Last time I promised information on the trip to Tokyo we took, and I will get to that, I swear. First though, I have a couple other bits of information and pictures to share, starting with the above! That is from the first snowfall here in Sannohe, it happened about 3 weeks ago. It melted soon afterwards, but it was incredibly pretty, and I was stupidly excited to see real life snow. After it melted though, it was just cold, which I didn't like as much. There's currently maybe about an inch of standing snow on the ground outside, and it hasn't gotten warm enough for it to melt recently.

This is another picture of the first snow. There's much more now. Aaron and I are fortunate in where we live, however. In other cities in the area there's already about a foot of standing snow on the ground. I guess being away from the coast and a little in the mountains is shielding us from the worst of it. I actually can't wait for more though, since I have grand plans for the backyard. They involve making an army of small snowmen, or snomies as I like to call them. I will keep you all updated on the progress of this plan, and the results of the subsequent invasion I'm going to be staging with my snomie army.

1 comment:

  1. *family is embarrassed by your world domination plan being revealed* I thought it was a family event!!! You flying solo apparently with your snomie army...but if they turn on not look here for help! Kidding! I need to get a life, anyways, it sounds like you are having tons of fun! yays! Glad to hear it, and finally you post something. ^0^ Family sends their love to you! I love you!
