Saturday, November 6, 2010

Towada Lake Fireworks!

First of all, I am not dead, thank you very much. However, my computer was. Thanks to sub-par parts in my laptop, the internal fan suddenly decided to stop doing its prime function, that of cooling. Therefore, my computer would become a million degrees hot and shut down after about 10 minutes of use, while uttering a horrible death shriek. This concerned me, so I decided to try and contact tech support about it. I won't bore you with all the horrible details, but suffice to say that after many attempts to talk to people in India, I ended up giving up, buying a new internal fan, and asking my supervisor's husband to fix it for me (he's the IT guy for the entire town). For doing this, he has my eternal gratitude, but the whole process took a good two months. During this time, obviously, I could not blog at all. So, I have a veritable mountain of a back-log of things to post now, which I will try and work my way through as quickly as I can. With all that being said, let us begin!

The picture above is of a boat on Lake Towada. When my sister was out here for two months during the summer, we all went together to see the yearly fireworks festival they hold out there. It was a lot of fun, because in addition to the fireworks in the sky, the boats were lit up and floating on the water beneath them. I tried to take more pictures of it, but it was so dark my poor little cell phone couldn't handle it. However, luckily for us, my sister brought her camera with her, which takes pretty decent video, even at night. So, without further ado, I present to you videos that I took with her camera. They're not perfect quality, but hopefully they will give you the impression that you were there with us. ^-^ Oh, and ignore the voices, we chattered the whole time we took the videos. Sorry! >.<

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