Sunday, June 20, 2010

Towada Horse Archery Festival, sans the Horse Archery....

So, there were actually quite a few things we did that windy day in April beyond watch archery competitions (see previous post). It actually was an unusual day, in that there were two entirely different festivals going on at the same time, relatively close to each other. The one I was mostly interested in was the horse festival. However, upon arriving and seeing the main road closed off and Japanese people literally dancing in the streets, well.... I had to investigate. And take videos! Unfortunately there were only two that turned out okay, due to 1. the festival was starting to wind down, 2. the wind was obscene and was interfering with the dance troops, and 3. I couldn't get close due to the amount of people, especially old people, who decided to sit on the sides of the road specifically to impede my video taking prowess. Ah well. Please enjoy the videos at the bottom of the post, such as they are. I tried my best, I'll make sure to go to this festival earlier next year so I see more of the dance troops, since some were truly amazing!

....And also, we found a giant ant statue. Whoo for the giant ant statue!

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