Wednesday, April 28, 2010

One Last Thing About the Snow....

So I've had people asking me recently if the snow here is really that bad, and since the snow is no longer piling on top of me as we speak, I feel more inclined to discuss the white stuff. While it's true that there are other cities in this area that get a lot more snow than Sannohe, that doesn't mean that it's for a lack of trying on this town's part. For example, that picture above? That was in one day. Yes, that's right. ONE DAY. There was no snow on the ground 7 hours before this picture was taken, and then the heavens opened, the gods decided to show their displeasure at the beautiful early spring day, and the world went white. That's about a foot and a half of snow you are looking at. So, no, not as bad as other cities, and not as bad as the blizzard which ate half of America this past winter. However, when you go from no snow ever to a foot and a half in one day, it leaves an impression on you. Let's just say that for now I'm glad winter is officially over, and please feel free to enjoy the pictures of my past suffering.

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